Men's Health Screening Brings Awareness To The Community

Sidney, MT – In March, Sidney Health Center partnered with the Richland County Health Department to host a free Men’s Health Screening. Nearly 40 men participated in the health awareness event.

The free screening was for men ages 55 to 75 years old including a PSA (prostate specific antigen) lab draw test, a DRE (digital rectal exam) by Dr. Ralf Kiehl, Radiation Oncologist and a complimentary FIT (fecal immunochemical test) take-home kit.

Of those who participated, 47.3% qualified for the FIT take-home kit with a 94.4% return rate. Results indicated, 41% of the returned FIT tests came back positive and needed follow-up testing.

“The FIT is one way to screen for colorectal cancer by detecting hidden blood in the stool. There are no dietary or drug restrictions and can be done in the privacy of your own home, which makes it easy to complete. When done correctly every year, the FIT finds most colorectal cancer at an earlier stage,” stated Ashley VandeBossche, BS, who is a Health Educator and Chronic Disease Program Coordinator at the Richland County Health Department.

Results from the PSA screenings indicated elevated numbers on 24.3% of the tests, which were communicated to the participants. Although there is conflicting advice about PSA testing, elevated levels of PSA in the bloodstream can be indications of noncancerous conditions as well as prostate cancer.

The PSA test is only one tool used to screen for early signs of prostate cancer. Another common screening test, usually done in addition to a PSA test, is a digital rectal exam. Both tests were provided at the Men’s Health Screening in March and 15.8% of the men were referred to their primary care provider for follow-up care.

“There is now a high rate of cure for patients who are found to have colorectal and prostate cancers in their earliest stages,” stated Dr. Kiehl.

With recommended screening, colorectal and prostate cancer can be prevented or detected at its earliest stage. Men should discuss their options regarding routine screenings with their primary care doctors, who can weigh in on each individual’s risk factors and personal preferences.

All participants received complimentary drink cards of their choice from one of the three sponsors including The Rush, Meadowlark Public House and Rod Iron/Cattle-ac. Special thanks to these establishments for contributing to this well-attended health event.


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