Richland Federal Credit Union Holds Their 79th Annual Meeting

RFCU Volunteer Apprenticeship Program Sneak Preview Event April 17

Richland Federal Credit Union (RFCU) held its 79th annual business meeting Tuesday April 9 at the Saint Matthews Center in Sidney with one hundred members present to hear reports from the board of directors and management. Chair Beth Redlin reported on the credit union’s new RFCU Volunteer Apprenticeship Program, a 2-year volunteer leadership development program to educate interested members about the credit union movement and provide training to enable them to hit the ground running when taking on future leadership roles with the Credit Union’s Board of Directors and Supervisory Committee.

Redlin also invited Richland Federal Credit Union members interested in learning more about the program to participate in a “sneak preview” event to be held at the credit union on Wednesday, April 17 beginning at 5:15 p.m. A meal will be served, with the evening concluding promptly at 7 p.m. Additional information and applications are available at Richland Federal Credit Union, she noted.

In her remarks, Redlin also discussed the $250,000 bonus dividend that was given to RFCU members at the end of 2018. “It’s our way of saying thank you for keeping your money with the credit union during the past few (at times tumultuous) years,” she said.

In his report, Manager Kevin Mayer pointed to the strong financial health of the credit union and noted the goals completed during 2018. Mayer also discussed the bonus dividend distributed to members this past year and how it differentiates the credit union from banks. Mayer also commented on the continued threat of fraud that exists within our community pointing to current scams circulating in the area including the “grandparent, romance, and IRS scams” in addition to ongoing email “phishing” efforts to gain personal information. He assured the members that the staff of the credit union is there to help members identify and avoid potential scams. He also urged members to not be embarrassed if they do become a victim of a scam and to come forward and discuss it with the credit union.

In other business at the meeting, Chair Beth Redlin and Secretary Albert McGahan were re-elected to new three-year terms on the board of directors. Other current board members are Vice-Chair Toby Panasuk, and board members Daryl Norgaard and Amanda Seigfreid.

Richland Federal Credit Union is open to membership for any individuals who live, work or worship in Richland and Roosevelt counties or within 25 miles of Sidney, MT. The credit union is located at 201 West Holly Street in Sidney, MT, with a branch in Culbertson, MT. It serves 4600 members with assets just under $90,000,000. Deposits up to $250,000 are insured by the National Credit Union Administration.


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