Watford City FFA Ends Successful Judging Season

Members of the Watford City FFA Chapter have been hard at work this winter studying and preparing for their judging season. On March 18, FFA members from around the state competed in Minot in Agronomy, Ag Sales & Livestock Judging. Cauy Harte did an outstanding job as he earned Gold & was the 12th High Individual out of a total of over 180 contestants. The Agronomy team consisted of Shayla Rolla, Kristen Clark & Connor Cross. Our Livestock Judging team members were Laney Hartel, Jenna Mandler & Kell Helmuth. Connor & Kell both earned bronze individually at state.

Members also competed in other CDEs throughout the judging season and results are as follows:

Northwest Judging CDEs in Stanley on February 2-

*Livestock Judging: 5th place team!

*Individual highlight: Kell Helmuth 7th place overall.

*Ag Sales: Individual Highlight: Cauy Hartel took 6th overall.

Beulah CDEs on February 23-

*Ag Sales: Cauy Hartel - Silver Individual

*Livestock Judging: Kell Helmuth - Bronze Individual, Clay Ceynar- Bronze Individual, Jenna Mandler and Miranda Voegele (12th overall team)

*Agronomy- Shayla Rolla

Turtle Lake CDEs on March 2-

* Livestock Judging: Kell Hellmuth - Bronze Individual, Laney Hartel

* Cauy Hartel- Silver Individual

* Agronomy: Connor Cross & Shayla Rolla


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