Sidney Health Center Welcomes First Baby of 2019

Sidney, MT – Sawyer Duane Buckles was the first baby born at Sidney Health Center in 2019. Eileen Lambert and Morris Buckles of Poplar welcomed their baby boy on January 1 at 6:51 p.m. He weighed 8 pounds 4.9 ounces and measured 20 inches long. Sawyer joins big sisters Charlie, Marissa, Mandee and Mallory.

As the first baby born at Sidney Health Center in 2019, Sawyer and his parents received a gift bag full of baby items valued at more than $200 from the Sidney Health Center Caring Corner Gift Shop and Good Cents Store Volunteers.

Although Sawyer was the first baby born in 2019, 2018 was a busy year for the obstetric department. In the past year, 215 babies were delivered at Sidney Health Center, an increase of 34 deliveries compared to 181 babies delivered in 2017. One hundred four of the babies were girls while one hundred eleven were boys. Although the average number of babies born per month was 18, August and November were busy months with 23 births.

Sidney Health Center's female Obstetrician Gynecologists provide essential obstetrical services to women living in the MonDak region including preconception counseling, genetic screening and diagnosis as well as management of both low and high risk pregnancies through delivery and follow-up care. Dr. Lisa Ross and Dr. Maula Tambi have been practicing in Sidney since summer 2016.

The Sidney Health Center obstetric and newborn units feature Labor, Delivery, Recovery, Postpartum (LDRP) rooms. These rooms are equipped with Jacuzzi tubs and Hill-Rom birthing beds. During labor, options for pain medication are offered. A trained and experienced OB and Nursery Staff is available 24 hours a day.

The obstetric department also offers a One-Day Childbirth Class four times per year with the first one in 2019 scheduled for February 23 in the hospital classroom from 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Registered nurse instructors will review the following topics: relaxation, anatomy and physiology of childbirth, types of delivery, anesthesia, breast feeding and child care. The session is free of charge; however, donations up to $25 are gladly accepted to cover expenses.

Another option for those parents who cannot attend conventional prenatal classes or would like home-based education, is the eLearning Childbirth Education Program. It may also be used as a "refresher" course or to reinforce what you learned in class. The interactive web-based program includes animated illustrations, videos and voice-overs and can be viewed on a PC, Mac or mobile device. More information about this web-based class is available through the Sidney Health Center OB Clinic.

If you would like more information about the Sidney Health Center obstetric department, please call (406) 488-2146 or visit us online at To make an appointment with Dr. Ross or Dr. Tambi, please call their office at (406) 488-2577.


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