McKenzie County Estimated Tax Statements to be Mailed

Estimated tax statements are being mailed to McKenzie County property owners with properties of over $100 in total estimated 2018 property taxes. This is not a billing, but rather an estimate of what your taxes may be when the County mails tax statements in December.

Please do not pay these estimated statements. These estimated taxes are based upon preliminary budget figures and do not include special assessments.

These new estimated tax statements are the result of new legislation, now in ND Century Code, intended to explain in dollars the effect of each entities’ preliminary budget. The notice includes public budget hearing dates for McKenzie County and other local government agencies. This combined notice replaces the individual percentage notices that you may have received in the past from each separate entity. The combined notice also gives you important information on how local budgets affect your property taxes before you attend a budget hearing.

For more information about the statements, you may call the McKenzie County Auditor/Treasurer Office at 444-3616 x3. If you have questions about taxes levied by any of the listed entities on your statement, please contact that entity directly.


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