VFW State Leadership Attends National Convention

Montana's President, Jacquelyn (Jacki) Poland of Lambert, a member of Lower Yellowstone Auxiliary 4099, led the state delegation of the Veterans of Foreign Wars Auxiliary at the 105th National Convention held July 21-25 at the Bartle Hall Convention Center in Kansas City, Mo.

As leading representative of the state, she voiced the delegates' votes during the election of National Officers and played a key role in deciding the direction of the national organization for 2018-2019.

A highlight of the convention was the second annual Circle of Excellence Ceremony, where 21 Department (state) presidents were honored for their leadership during the 2017-2018 year.

Other highlights included the opportunity for members to view all 49 entries of the Young American Creative Patriotic Art entries and the "Buddy"® Poppy displays, in addition to attending several joint events with the VFW, such as the Joint Opening Session and the Patriotic Celebration on Tuesday evening.

During the convention, National President Dee Guillory commended the 2,000 attendees for all their hard work in honoring veterans and supporting deployed military personnel and their families. Members have spent millions of dollars and volunteer hours helping the heroes of our country.

The National President also thanked members for volunteering nearly one million hours in the nation's hospitals, and donating $300,000 to VFW Veterans and Military Support Programs, which includes Operation Uplink TM to provide long-distance calling opportunities to deployed soldiers and hospitalized veterans.

The election and installation of new National President Sandi Kriebel, a Life Member of Yingling-Ridgely Auxiliary 7472 in Ellicott City, Md., and the other 2018-2019 National Officers on Wednesday, July 25, concluded the convention and brought Guillory's term to an end.

Learn more at http://www.vfwauxiliary.org or on Facebook: facebook.com/VFWAuxiliary.


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