Pictured is MSU-EARC research agronomist Dr. Chengi Chen presenting a new study on irrigated mung bean and adzuki bean as alternative to soybeans for the Chinese market. Chen is holding moon cake made from the adzuki bean. The mung bean is starch for noodles.
Dr. Aziz Nilahyane (left) spoke on tillage and nitrogen affecting sugarbeet growth, yield and quality. His associate demonstrates the remote sensing technology for in-season nitrogen monitor and potential to use NDVI for sugarbeet yield estimation.
Duane Peters, of Sidney Sugars, gives a sugarbeet crop update and status of the sugar industry.
Dr. Jamie Sherman presents new improved varieties of barley for malting and livestock feed as well as hull-less barley for human consumption. In her discussion, Sherman mentioned utilizing MSU's malt quality lab to produce malt barley for craft brewers.
Dr. Yesuf Mohammed discusses pea, lentil, chickpea and faba bean production under irrigation.
Dr. Frankie Crutcher demonstrates the efficacy of seed and foliar application of fungicides in controlling rhizoctonia root rot in sugarbeets.
Dr. Chengci Chen compares no-till and strip-till soil samples for soil crusting, acidification, organic matter degradation issues and potential benefits of no-till sugarbeets.
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