WHAT IS NATIONAL PREVENTION WEEK? National Prevention Week (NPW) is a SAMHSA-sponsored annual health observance dedicated to increasing the prevention of substance use and promotion of mental health. The observance brings individuals, organizations, coalitions, states, and communities together through local events to raise awareness about the importance of preventing substance use and mental disorders. National Prevention Week is May 13-19 this year and has themes for every day for kids to participate.
Many of the schools in your community are participating on some level during this fun week of prevention education.
Monday 14 is Mental Health & Wellness, Tuesday May 15 is Underage Drinking & Alcohol Misuse, Wednesday May 16 is Prescription & Opioid Drug Misuse, Thursday May 17 is Illicit Drug Use & Youth Marijuana Use, Friday May 18 is Suicide Prevention, and Saturday May 19 is Youth Tobacco Use.
Much of our community understands the need for prevention education. Take time with your friends, family, neighbors, children or grandchildren in recognizing each of these days by planning your own activities or just by having a conversation.
To learn more about National Prevention Week and to get some great tips on prevention activities visit http://www.samhsa.gov/prevention-week or visit us on Facebook for new info every day! Find out how you can get involved in building protective, prevention efforts for our youth, call us today at 406-433-4097.
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