Letter to the Editor

Key Leadership Qualities for Next HD35 Representative

Dear Editor:

The June 5 Republican primary election will give

Richland County voters the opportunity to decide what kind

of new leadership we want in the next Representative we send

to Helena.

These are a few key leadership qualities I believe our

next representative should have.

We need a leader in Helena who listens to the people of

our district and understands the issues our county and towns

are facing on roads and bridges, property taxes and schools.

We need a leader who can effectively communicate these

issues to other legislators and then achieve solutions. Lastly,

we need a leader that will shun the political divisiveness,

extremism and brinksmanship that is causing people to lose

faith that our political process can still work for the common


I believe the candidate running for Representative of

House District 35, who best represents these critically

important leadership qualities is Joel Krautter.

Over the years I have gotten to know Joel and have been

glad to see his involvement in our community and especially

in our political process, where we need reasonable, common

sense leadership that will put the needs of our district first at

the Montana legislature. I am glad to give Joel my support in

his campaign.

Elections are decided by the people who show up and

vote. I hope you’Il get out and vote for Joel Krautter for

Representative on June 5. This primary election is too

important to stay on the sidelines.

Janet Sergent


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