Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor:

Janet Christoffersen is the right choice for the next Richland County Attorney. She has the ability to work with people and for the people. Janet has always been approachable, honest and hard working without any hidden agendas.

While I served as Sheriff of Richland County, I saw a number of Deputy County Attorneys come and go. To me it takes more than just knowing the law and applying it across the board. You are still dealing with people and we are all different. Janet Christoffersen understands that. I watched first hand how she dealt with the people that she prosecuted. Offenders were held accountable for their actions and also treated like human beings. Janet works well with all the different facets of the justice system, from the judges to defense attorneys and law enforcement. Her ability to get along with them makes the justice system run more efficiently without unnecessary filings, continuances or delays.

Having experience in criminal cases is only one part of being a County Attorney. Giving timely legal advice to law enforcement along with assisting them in applying for search warrants is also an important role. Providing legal advice to the commissioners and other county offices as needed and being available for them are other responsibilities that the County Attorney has. I have confidence in Ms. Christoffersen because she has the experience and knowledge to handle all areas of the job. Janet is always willing to listen to your side of the story and when she feels strongly about an issue she will stand her ground. Most impressive to me is the fact that it is very important to her to do things right while striving to do the right thing.

For an Experienced, Fair and Sensible Richland County Attorney, I encourage you to consider Janet Christoffersen when you go to the polls on June 5, I know I will.

-Brad Baisch

The Representation We Need.

Dear Editor:

I’m writing today about why I am supporting Joel Krautter for Representative of our house district and why it is so important for others to get out and vote for him on June 5th in the Republican Primary.

I’ve gotten to know Joel these past few years through our involvement in the Richland County Republican Central Committee, where I previously served as treasurer. Joel has made many positive contributions to the committee over the years. Joel is someone who strives to research issues and actually read the legislation that’s being discussed in Helena so he can stay properly informed, which is what we should want in our representative. I know that he will always have an open line of communication to the constituents back home, not just the select few that share the exact same view on a bill or the ones that donated to his campaign.

There have been recent letters to editor questioning Joel’s conviction and core values as a Republican. I am writing today as a small business owner, rancher, property owner and lifelong resident of Richland County that has personally vetted Joel on his political views and values and I have a strong belief that he will serve our community well on the actual issues our community struggles with in Helena; not just the conservative talking points. If given the chance as our Representative, Joel Krautter will become a true statesmen; something our area desperately needs in Helena.

-Ben Johnson

Dear Editor:

My friend, Janet Christoffersen, has offered herself to be your next County Attorney. The citizens of Richland County would be incredibly fortunate to have Janet in this position.

I came to know Janet through the yearly convention of the Montana Association of County Attorneys when I was a Deputy Prosecutor in Gallatin County. This event brought most of the prosecutors from around the state together each year, and I can tell you that Janet is held in very high esteem by her professional peers around the state.

An exceptional prosecutor possesses qualities that are rarely found within the same person: toughness and compassion, and the ability to view your cases objectively, but also to be a zealous advocate for the rights of victims. Your County Attorney must also be someone who respects the citizens of Richland County, its courts, and the attorneys who practice before those courts.

I’ve had the pleasure of working with Janet in a different capacity for the last year; as a criminal defense attorney with Netzer Law Office. Janet possesses each of the qualities I mentioned above. She is an incredibly worthy adversary, but she has never let a disagreement get personal. She knows when to get tough and when to show compassion. Perhaps most importantly, Janet is an Eastern Montana farm girl who cares deeply about her home.

Janet is someone you can trust to keep your community safe, and she’s the person I would want prosecuting my case if I were accused of a crime. There is no greater compliment I could pay any prosecutor, and I hope you will give Janet your vote.

-Russ Hart

Dear Editor:

For the first time in several years, Richland County will experience a contested primary election for County Attorney. One of those candidates is Janet Christoffersen and we heartily endorse her for that position.

Janet is particularly well qualified to serve as our County Attorney. She has a broad spectrum of experience, from private practice to her more than 10 years’ experience as a deputy in the County Attorney’s office. As attorneys who have dealt with Janet, we know she is knowledgeable about the law, is diligent in her work habits and, more importantly, she has the ability to deal with, and foster good relationships with, attorneys, judges, law enforcement officers, and the public, an essential attribute for any County Attorney.

She uniquely understands the responsibility she will undertake as our County Attorney. She realizes the necessity of following the rule of law and the importance of the trust she must engender to the people she serves.

Please consider Janet Christoffersen when you vote. If elected, we believe she will conscientiously perform her duties and will be an asset to Richland County.

-Donald L. Netzer

-Lyle R. Panasuk

-Peter O. Maltese


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