Prescription Drug Take Back Day April 27

Prescription drug abuse has become an increasingly common and serious problem across the country. Unwanted, unneeded, and/or expired prescription medications located in people's homes are often the source for those who desire to illegally obtain prescription drugs for their own use, or to sell to others. In order to offer people a safe option to get rid of unneeded, unwanted, and/or expired medications, the DEA has begun sponsoring a National Take Back Day. This year, Larsen Service Drug in Watford City and New Town encourage everyone to check their homes and participate in National Prescription Drug Take Back Day. Anyone in the possession of unwanted, unneeded, and/or expired prescription medications may bring them to Larsen's and dispose of them, free-of-charge, in a lock-box that has been provided by the North Dakota Board of Pharmacy and the DEA.

Why Get Rid of Unused Meds?

- Unused or expired prescription medications are an issue of public safety, with the potential to cause accidental poisoning, overdose, or abuse.

- Prescription medications can be just as dangerous as street drugs when taken without a prescription or a doctor's supervision.

- Non-medical use of prescription drugs is the second most common form of drug abuse in the United States (coming in second to marijuana abuse).

- The majority of teenagers who abuse prescription drugs obtain them from friends and family - often from the home medicine cabinet.

- Unused prescription medications that are thrown in the garbage can be retrieved and abused or illegally sold. Unused drugs that are flushed down the toilet have the potential to contaminate the water supply.

For more information, visit

Now is the time to check the prescription medications located within your home. All those that are unwanted, unneeded, and/or expired can be safely disposed of on Friday, April 27th at Larsen Service Drug in New Town, and Saturday, April 28th at Larsen Service Drug in Watford City.

Unwanted, unneeded, and expired medications can also be disposed of at anytime throughout the year, at Larsen Service Drug's Watford City location. For more information or if you have questions, please call Larsen Service Drug at 701-627-2410 or 701-444-2410.


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