Wyn and Pete Reimann, with the help of their two daughters, Cassie and Livvy and Wyn's dad, Bob Walker, maintain a herd consisting of 95 Suffolk/Hampshire cross ewes and 21 registered boer does. Their operation is located just five miles west of Richey, Montana.
They started the club lamb and kid business four years ago. "I started this as a great resource for our children. We had several kids in the area that were looking for competitive lambs at a reasonable price," said Wyn Reinmann.
The Reimanns' goal for the herd is to be able to sell competitive lambs in both the live shows as well as lambs that will hang a carcass. The Reimann herd has a great line of genetics. Their club lambs are sired by a son of Integrity, which was purchased from Begalka Livestock out of Castlewood, South Dakota. They also have sire bloodlines that go all the way back to Miller's Farm in South Dakota, Kolbet Club Lams in Iowa, and Rick Schmidt in Oliver County, North Dakota. Reinmann said, "We have many great dam lines in our ewes. E-harmony and Live Wire are a couple that we are proud of! These genetics are known for their growth, heavy muscling, carcasses and shag!"
If you are looking for a big racked, hipped, and big boned lamb or kid with a proven large rib eye and a show animal that will excel in rate of gain, Reimann has it. They recommend feeding a complete feed to club lambs and kids. R&J Ag supply, Nortana Grain, AgPro Solutions, Paramount Ag, Williston Saddlery and Big Sky Hardware all carry a great variety of complete feeds and are willing to help you find the right feed for your project.
Reimann explained, "The main point of raising show kids and lambs is to give back to the kids! I had many great mentors, and people we bought lambs from that helped us along the way, and I want to be that for the next generation of 4-H and FFA kids." If you are interested in getting a few club lambs or kids, you can contact Wyn Reimann at (406) 939-0752, or you can also get in contact with them on their Facebook page, Reimann Club Lambs and Kids.
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