Sexual Health Awareness Month

February is traditionally known as the month of love and romance. However, along with roses and chocolate comes the need to make well-informed choices about intimate relationships and sexuality. That is why February has been deemed Sexual Health Awareness Month. Sexual health is an important part of the overall health and wellbeing of all people in the community, from the young to the old, irrespective of whether a person has or ever will be sexually active. The need for more information in sexual relationships is apparent in Montana’s young adults. In 2016, 28% of all reported Chlamydia cases were between the ages of 15-19. Regardless of race or gender, data show that sexually active teens and young adults are at an increased risk for STDs when compared to older adults. The good news is that most STDs are treatable, and many are curable – early detection through testing is key. Yet, stigma, inconsistent or incorrect condom use, lack of access to health care, and a combination of other factors contribute to high rates of STDs among teens and young adults. Take action in your community by promoting open and honest discussions about sexuality and get tested today. Contact Lesley Thiessen, RN at the Richland County Health Department at 406-433-2207 for more information or to schedule an appointment for STD testing.


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