Roosevelt Medical Center's "Change 4 Change" Project Returns to Local Schools

Pennies can make a difference! But, toss in a few silver coins, and it can really add up fast. That’s exactly what Roosevelt Medical Center is counting on during their Change 4 Change Project, formally known as the Lost Penny Days Project.

The competition between local schools is set to begin Feb. 1 and run throughout the month.

During the month of February, Culbertson, Bainville, Froid and Medicine Lake Schools will rally to raise the most money for RMC through change jars placed at their respective campuses. They are also competing for the chance to bring home the traveling trophy for the next year. Currently, the trophy is held at Bainville School.

“This Project is so inspiring to me because it captures the very essence of what people of any age can accomplish if everyone just gives a little. The best part is watching the pride well-up in the students when see what they were able to accomplish and how it impacts the patients and residents who call RMC home for the better,” said Jaimee Green, marketing/foundation director.

This year, RMC is fundraising to provide several recliners, lift chairs and bedside tables. The money that is raised also assists with the $1,600 in professional care and maintenance fees RMC must pay annually for the aviary in the resident’s Sun Room.

Last year, funds from the Project assisted with purchasing a couch and loveseat in the chapel.

In previous years, funds raised have also gone toward supplies for the Activities Department for reminiscence activities through music, and crafts as well exercise equipment to assist residents with range-of-motion activities for flexibility, balance and strength and endurance development.

In previous years, several area businesses such as Nemont, the Welcome Stop, Town Pump and Native Energy Solutions have sponsored the competition by matching the amount of money raised by the students as an incentive for them to participate in the project.

“This has always been a great opportunity for local youth to realize they too can make a valuable contribution to their community while instilling in them the importance of philanthropy, a lesson which hopefully stays with them the rest of their lives,” said Audrey Stromberg, Administrator for RMC.

For more information on how you can participate or donate to the Change 4 Change competition, contact Jaimee Green, marketing/foundation director for RMC, at (406) 787-6476. Or email [email protected].


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