A Message from Partnership For Promise Coalition

November is all about giving thanks. What better way to do so than to serve your community? As a volunteer, I can say it is so rewarding to go and help when I can. There are so many ways to do so in our community, ranging from Meals on Wheels to joining a committee. On behalf of the Partnership for Promise, we would like to thank all of those who volunteer as well as all the services providers in Richland County.

There are many services in the community that are all done by volunteers. Northeast MT, R.S.V.P., for instance, serves in more than 75 northeastern organizations and agencies. Volunteers help mentor or tutor children and young adults in the classroom and in after-school programs, deliver Meals on Wheels and Harvest for Seniors, assist peers with SNAP and LIEAP applications, help with local events and fundraisers, and help package and distribute food at the food bank and senior commodities. There is so much more that they do as well. If you are interested in becoming an R.S.V.P. volunteer, Rita Jacobson and Jessica Gilbert will set you up to volunteer in anything that is of interest to you; they accept volunteers of any age! Rita and Jessica can be reached at the Richland County Health Department at 406-433-2207.

Richland County is also always looking for tutors to help out though the Learning Volunteers for Adults. This is a program to help people earn their HI-SET, also known as the G.E.D. Enrichment learning and tutoring in many subjects is also available. If you are interested in volunteering as a tutor or would like to become a student just give Bernie Braden a call at 406-480-1971.

The Sunrise Women’s Clinic is in need of volunteers as well. The Clinic offers a program to clients called Earn While You Learn, which allows clients to earn points after each completed lesson to be put toward a gas card or baby supplies from their baby boutique. If you are interested in partaking in the earn while you learn or want to help out just give Dena Lake a call at 406-433-7772.

The Boys and Girls Club is an after school program for children. They are looking for volunteers to help with the activities they provide for the students. This is a great one if you love working with children. You can call Janelle Buxbaum at 406-433-6763. In Fairview, the Warrior Afterschool Program (WASP) is looking for amazing volunteers to work with elementary children after school. Contact Jenny Shriver at 406-480-9899 for more information.

If you are interested in joining a committee, the Partnership for Promise is always looking for new community members. The Partnership for Promise helps the community ensure the 5 promises: Caring adults, safe places, healthy start, marketable skills, and opportunities to serve. If you would like to participate or you would like more information, please call Michele Seadeek at 433-4097.


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