MonDak Ag Research Summit Scheduled for November 15th

On Wednesday, November 15th, the MonDak Ag Research Summit will be held at the Richland County Event Center located in Sidney. The event will start at 9:00am MST and end at 3:00 pm MST. It will feature MonDak area agricultural researchers from the North Dakota Williston Research Extension Center, Montana Eastern Agricultural Research Center, and the USDA Agricultural Research Service.

The Summit’s purpose is to highlight current research projects and results from local agricultural research centers. The presentations will highlight management strategies that can save both dryland and irrigated growers time and money. The program will include updates on projects investigating wheat and sugarbeet diseases, noxious weeds, insect pests, cropping systems, crop varieties, high-tunnel vegetable production, and grasshopper outbreaks.

Participants will have several opportunities to interact directly with scientists. There will be small group discussions in the afternoon and informal conversations throughout the event during lunch breaks and poster sessions. Local producers will have the opportunity to learn from each other and share thoughts on managing diseases, weeds, and crop rotations. Researchers want to connect with local producers and hear about problems they are facing, observations they may have, and suggestions for future research. Participants will also earn 2 Montana pesticide applicator points and 1.5 Certified Crop Advisor CEU’s for attending.

All three state and federal institutions have the expertise to research every crop grown in the region, soils, diseases, pests, and much more. All producers, industry representatives, extension educators, research staff, and anyone interested in learning about agricultural research in the MonDak area are encouraged to attend.

A free lunch sponsored by the Northern Pulse Growers Association will be served at 12:30 pm.

Please pre-register on-line at To register by phone or if you have questions, call Beth Redlin at 406-433-2020. Pre-registration is free and will enter you for a chance to win a set of collectible model tractors donated by T&E of Williston. As an additional incentive to pre-register, the first 50 people to pre-register will receive a weatherproof cell phone pouch and a water bottle. Pre-registration closes November 8th.


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