LYIP to Work on Graphic Representation of New Weir Design

The Lower Yellowstone Irrigation Project is looking for a graphic artist to render a drawing of the proposed new weir design at Intake. Three government agencies, LYIP and the community are currently awaiting a decision from Judge Brian Morris on a Motion of Preliminary Injunction filed by environmental activist groups trying to halt the construction of the new weir and fish passage channel that was slated for construction next month.

The new drawing will be used to better illustrate the improvements the new weir will have and show the various features that will enable more fish to pass over the structure as compared to the current weir.

Most of the discussion thus far has focused on the fish passage. Although there is data that supports the passage has a likelihood of working, opponents to the project claim there is a lack of sufficient data.

A new graphical representation of the weir design would show the increased flow of water over the structure as well as eliminating the need to place rocks yearly to raise the water level. Not only will this help fish navigate more easily upstream but will also reduce the risk of larvae being injured or killed as they drift downstream. The new design also incorporates a fish notch that is at a lower grade than the rest of the weir that will allow fish searching for a way upriver in front of the structure a route to pass through.


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Rendered 06/28/2024 04:40