Senior at Sidney High School Writes for National Blog

Sierra Osborne, a senior at Sidney High School, writes for a national blog called Raised in a Barn. The blog has a mission to bridge the gap between producers and consumers of agriculture. Raised in a Barn is a blog that was established by Breanna Viles who is a college student from Oklahoma. Viles started the blog after seeing anti-agriculture posts and she was determined to start something that gave a voice to agriculture. So far, the blog has 40 representatives from over 20 different states.

"Agriculture is a huge part of my family's life so I was not surprised when I discovered my love for agriculture. Being involved in 4-H and FFA solidified that passion for me as I learned more about the industry, " said Osborne. She was inspired to join the blog mostly because of the advocating of agriculture that the blog provided. Osborne said, "I was just finding my voice for "AGvocating". I saw that Breanna Viles was looking for more representatives from different states and I instantly applied and later was accepted." Osborne started writing for the blog in early August of 2016 and from then on she has written many stories.

Osborne's first story for the blog was about memories at the Richland County Fair. Since then, she has written blogs about her agriculture education teacher, her Future Farmers of America (FFA) officer team, and a story about finding who she is. "I plan to have a blog come out soon about my thoughts after running for Montana State FFA officer," said Osborne.

Osborne is currently Sidney High School's FFA President and has held an office every year since she was a Sophomore. In 4-H she has held all club offices at least once. She was involved in both organizations for the majority of her school career. "I had 4-H projects in sheep, cattle, woodworking, shooting sports, cat, and rabbit. Through FFA I was involved in Agronomy, Farm and Agribusiness Management, Livestock Evaluation, Prepared Public Speaking, Job Interview, Sheep Production, and Agriculture communications. "

Her future plans are to attend Montana State University in Bozeman, Montana for Agriculture Education. " I am very excited for this new experience and hope to go into a High School vocational-agriculture position after I have completed college. Osborne explained, "My goal for this upcoming year will be to continue with the blog and hopefully receive a region office, where I will help guide members in a region to produce blogs and advocate agriculture. I also plan to collegiate FFA, 4-H, and Ag Ed Club while at college." To read all about Raised in a Barn's mission for advocating agriculture and blogs that Sierra Osborne has published, you can visit their website at


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