2017 Eagle Wrestling Camps

The 30th annual Sidney, MT Eagle wrestling camps are coming up in June with Guy Melby and Brandon Eggum.

The Little Guy Camp, June 5-7, consists of beginners through the sixth grade. Check in 9 a.m.-3 p.m. at the Sidney High School all three days.

The Intensive Training Camp, June 4-9, check in at the Sidney High School, three times a day, times are to be determined. A great opportunity to train at an intensive training camp with teams going to the High School National Duals in Florida. Get more matches than in a regular season. This camp will push you to the next level. Report at 6 p.m., June 4.

Technique Camp, June 7-9, grades sixth-twelfth. This camp is for the more advanced wrestler. Graduates this spring cannot attend this camp. If you have someone younger, and feel they are mature enough for the older camp, go ahead and enroll them. There are two sessions per day and workouts are intensive. This camp will prepare a wrestler for the upcoming season. Check in at the Sidney High School 9 a.m.-3 p.m. all three days.


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