March is Colorectal Awareness Cancer Month

Have you hit the big 5-0? It’s time to get tested!

Are you or is someone you care about 50 or older? Then it’s time to talk with a health care provider about getting screened for colorectal cancer. The American Cancer Society recommends that everyone 50 and older be tested regularly. If you have family members with colorectal cancer or colon polyps, you should ask about getting tests at an earlier age.

In the United States, Colorectal cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death when men and women are combined. About 140,000 adults are diagnosed and more than 50,000 people die from colorectal cancer each year. In Montana, 500 people are expected to be diagnosed with colon cancer and 190 will die from the disease each year. Moreover, Montana has among the lowest screening rates nationwide.

Screening can save lives but only if people have it done.

There are several recommended screening test options, including: colonoscopy, stool tests (FIT Kits), and sigmoidoscopies. However, we know the best test is the one that gets done. You might be thinking, how much is the test going to cost? Well, most private insurance plans are now required to pay for colon cancer screenings, often with limited, if any, out of pocket cost to you. Check with your health insurance plan for details on your specific coverage. Medicare and Affordable Care Act cover colon cancer screening tests.

Protect yourself from cancer. If you are 50 or older or have a family history of colon cancer, talk to your doctor about getting screened today.


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