Through With Chew Week Feb. 19 – 25

“Through With Chew” is an effort to call attention to the use of smokeless tobacco. Smokless tobacco includes chewing tobacco products like Skoal, Snus, RedMan, and are often flavored to appeal to young users. According to the Youth Risk Behavior Survery in 2015, 25.2% of male high school seniors in Montana use smokeless tobacco. This public awareness campaign is designed to reduce the use of smokeless tobacco among young people. Smokeless tobacco is not a safe alternative to cigarettes, as some young people believe, and it is even more habit forming because it contains a higher concentration of nicotine than cigarettes. Smokless tobacco can cause oral cancer, especially in the cheeks, gums and throat. In addition, smokless tobacco is addicting. It can also lead to other problems, from heart disease and pancreatic cancer, to other dental problems, such as mouth sores, gum recession, tooth decay, bad breath, and permanent discoloration of teeth.

Through With Chew week is sponsored by the Richland County Health Department and the Partnership for Promise Coalition. Are you ready to call it quits from smokeless or spit tobacco or any other type of tobacco? The Montana Tobacco Quit Line is a free service available to all Montanans who would like to quit using smokless or other tobacco products. Call the Quit Line, it’s toll-free at

1-800-QUIT NOW (1-800-784-8669) or visit the websit at to endroll.


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