Sidney Sugars Salutes All Area Sugar Beet Growers

Sidney Sugars is fortunate to work with a fantastic group of growers, combining everyone's expertise to produce a high quality crop of sugar beets and then turn those beets into America's favorite food – sugar.

This year, instead of doing their Top 10 awards as they have for over 30 years, Sidney Sugars chose to "Salute the Growers" and celebrate all instead of just a few. The Top 10 was started in 1985 by then agricultural manager Dave Melin, recognizing growers for producing the highest tonnage and sugar. Over the years, an elite group also joined the 20/20 Club for having at least 20 tons per acre with an average of 20% sugar.

However, some growers felt that the Top 10 was not being administered properly, so the company decided to create a new annual event that would still honor the growers that they so deeply appreciate.

Growers from certain sections were chosen to highlight their farming operations and celebrate their history. Three of the four are multi -generational, while one celebrates a young man just starting out on his own.

We hope you enjoy reading their stories.


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