Montana Department of Transportation Proposes Construction of Multi-Use Path and Sidewalk in Sidney

The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) would like to notify the public and seek comments on a proposal to design and build Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)-compliant multi-use path and sidewalk along approximately 0.37 miles of the north side of 14th Street SE and the west side of 9th Ave SE in Sidney. The project begins at the intersection of 14th Street SE and 4th Avenue SE at reference post (RP) 0.37 and extends east along 14th Street SE for 0.28 miles to 9th Avenue SE at RP 0.65. The project then runs northeast for 0.09 miles along 9th Avenue SE from the intersection with 14th Street SE at RP 0.00 to 10th Ave SE at RP 0.09.

Proposed work includes construction of ADA-compliant multi-use path along 14th Street SE and ADA-complaint sidewalk along 9th Avenue SE. The purpose of the project is to extend the existing multi-use path to allow additional residents in the southeast end of Sidney as well as Sidney High School students to realize the full benefits of the multi-use path.

An additional safety element of the multi-use path along 14th Street SE will include piping of the Lower Yellowstone Irrigation District Lateral D that is currently run as an open ditch.

For more information, please contact Glendive District Administrator Shane Mintz at (406) 345-8212, Project Design Engineer Terry Voeller at (406) 4449457, or Sidney Public Works Director Jeff Hintz at (406) 433-2809. Members of the public may submit written comments to the Montana Department of Transportation Glendive office at P.O. Box 890, Glendive, MT 59330-0890, or online at:

Please note that your comments are for project UPN 9150000. Alternative accessible formats of this information will be provided upon request by contacting the Office of Civil Rights, P.O. Box 201001, Helena, MT 59620; (406) 444-9229; fax (406) 444-7243, or e-mail to [email protected]. Those using a TTY may call (800) 335-7592 or through the Montana Relay Service at 711.


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