The Glendive Agri-Trade Expo is Scheduled for Feb. 10th & 11th 2017

February will be here before we know it.  Mark the second weekend in February (February 10 & 11th) on your calendars for the Glendive Agri-Trade Expo (GATE) as we celebrate the 39th year of this exceptional agricultural tradeshow at the Eastern Plains Event Center (EPEC) in Glendive.

Every year, vendors from surrounding states and Canada convene in Glendive to showcase their products and get up close and personal with area residents.  Northern AgNetwork and KXGN will again be on hand for interviews and live broadcasts during the show.

This is a great chance to break the ho hum of mid-winter cabin fever and come to the tradeshow to visit with friends and neighbors and see what’s new and interesting in the world of agriculture.  If you’re feeling lucky, buy a raffle ticket and win one of those great prizes.  Raffle tickets can be obtained from any GATE Board member or from the Chamber of Commerce.

Friday will feature weed seminars where private, governmental, and commercial pesticide applicators can receive the necessary points for renewing their chemical applicators licenses.  On Saturday there will be additional useful and educational seminars – including one on pressure-cooking!  And as always, enjoy the awesome cooking of the Glendive Cowbelles during both days of the tradeshow.

Vendors, please contact any GATE board member or call 406-987-3777 to register or if you have any questions or you can check out the website at  We’re looking forward to seeing you there!


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