Sidney Speech & Drama Compete in Hardin

The Speech & Drama team travelled to Hardin to compete against 22 schools. The Drama Team placed 3rd in Class A Sweeps with the Speech Team placing 4th. The Drama Team has a couple strong seniors with Laura Elmore competing against 19 competitors and placing 5th in Dramatic Solo. Peachlyn Simons and her partner Atlas Hill placed 3rd in Classic Theatre, with the freshman duo Christine Turek and Shea Roberts placing 4th. The Speech Team again led by the spontaneous speaker Kasey Gorder and random Zach Sommerfeld placed 2nd and 3rd in Impromptu. The team has next weekend off then heads to Plentywood for the first meet of December.

Speech Team Results: Original Oratory- Luke Turek 2nd place, Patrycja Wierzchalek 8th place; MPA- Tianna Earle 8th place; Extemp- Zach Sommerfeld 4th place, Shanyn Reidle 5th place.


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