Attend the Bovine Connection 2016: Innovative Programs With a Practical Twist Nov. 29

The 2016 Bovine Connection: Innovative Programs with a Practical Twist will be held Tuesday, Nov. 29th, at the Culbertson Saddle Club Barn.

MSU Extension, NDSU Extension, and industry leaders formed the Bovine Connection. It focuses on benefitting cattle producers in northeastern Montana and northwestern North Dakota, providing livestock operators with current information, an opportunity to listen to experts in their field, and a great networking opportunity.

From 9:00 – 10am Lisa Pederson , Extension Beef Quality Specialist with NDSU is presenting Strategic Culling: Improving Your Cowherd. From 10:00 – 10:45am Dr. Gerald Stokka, NDSU Livestock Stewardship Specialist is presenting The VFD, What Do I Need to Know? Following that, Wendy Becker with MSU Extension, Ft. Peck Reservation will discuss Break and Showcase Value Added Cuts until 11am. Dr. Andrew Roberts with the USDA-ARS Range and Livestock Experiment Station out of Miles City will speak about Production Efficiency in Beef Cattle until noon.

From 1 – 4pm Dave Pratt with Ranch Management Consultants will present Ranching for Profit Workshop: The Three Secrets to Increasing Profit.

Tickets are $25 at the door and include lunch. To get to the Culbertson Saddle Club Barn, drive north of Culbertson 0.7 miles on Hwy 16 and turn west at mile marker 88. The building is located to the west of the highway.

The 2016 Bovine Connection is being presented by Montana State University Extension, North Dakota State University Extension Service, Natural Resources Conservation Service, Montana Farm Bureau Foundation, Ft. Peck Tribes Assiniboine Sioux, and Roosevelt County Soil Conservation. For more information, call 406-433-1206.

* All times are MST.


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