County Agent Update

What is BQA?

Beef Quality Assurance (BQA) is a producer driven program in which cattle producers assume responsibility for producing beef that is a healthy, wholesome, quality product and free from defects such as injection-site lesions and bruises. Producers in BQA programs keep detailed records of husbandry practices and treatments performed on their cattle, Further, producers involved in BQA programs assure their management, husbandry and animal health practices meet regulatory and industry standards for these practices. The history behind BQA dates back over thirty years when cattlemen began investigating ways to ensure their production practices were safe. The United States Department of Agriculture- Food Safety Inspection Service has commended the National BQA Program, as 47 states are in involved in the voluntary program. Producer driven programs have proven very successful and will continue to allow the industry needed flexibility to produce safe and wholesome food in an economical manner. In the 1980s, the demand for beef in the United States dropped dramatically. The beef industry began investigating the reasons, overwhelming conclusion was that consumers were not satisfied with the end product. North Dakota is one of the 47 states that is involved in this voluntary program and it is coming to Williams County. On Wednesday November 30th, at the Pinnacle in Tioga there will be a BQA training. Lisa Pederson, NDSU Extension Service Beef Quality Specialist will be there to offer the training and the certificate. Over the next few weeks I will be mentioning more about this program and the other speakers that will be present. Any questions in the meantime, call 701-577-4595.

Land Reclamation

As we have seen over the last few months, oil production in northwest North Dakota has decreased. Right now is a great time to learn and discuss what is going to happen in the future. On Wednesday November 2nd, there will be a Land Reclamation meeting hosted by Williams County Extension Service, Williams County Soil Conservation District and the Natural Resource Conservation District. This event will be held at the Ernie French Center at the Williston Research Extension Center, 14120 Hwy 2 Williston. This program will have presentations about local research done by Austin Link and Chris Augustin if cropping systems is a good way to restore pipeline. Kevin Sedivec, NDSU Extension Service state range specialist will explain what can be done before a pipeline to help create a smooth reclamation process and David Saxowsky to discuss what landowners need to know before signing a lease. We will also be welcoming the North Dakota Department of Agriculture to discuss their Pipeline Restoration and Reclamation Oversight Program. Any questions or for more information please call 701-577-4595.


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