Lt. Governor Candidate Lesley Robinson Campaigned in Sidney Last Week

Lieutenant Governor candidate Lesley Robinson was in Sidney on Thursday, Sept. 29th and toured Sidney Sugars during her visit. She is running with Republican Governor candidate Greg Gianforte, and requested the campaign staff make arrangements for her to visit the sugar beet factory, as it is a vital industry that she wanted to know more about.

In fact, her favorite part of her campaign experience has been visiting with Montanans and learning about their businesses.

"I really enjoy seeing the passion people have for what they do," Robinson commented.

The Phillips County Commissioner will be ending her 12-year position at the end of 2016. She is also an executive board member of the National Association of Counties.

"This has given me a lot of experience working with people across the country. Both Greg and I have the ability to work well with diverse interests and see progress," she said.

Robinson made the decision to run because of her growing concerns on three specific topics.

"I feel like agriculture, local government, and rural areas have all lacked a voice in Montana government, and I want to bring that voice to the position should I be elected." Robinson added that infrastructure is also one of her top priorities, "We have a lack of funding for an aging system. Everywhere I've been during my campaign needs new water systems, bridges, or roads. The problem is that much of the infrastructure was built around the same time, which means repairs now all need to be done at the same time. It's an issue that needs to be addressed."

Robinson was asked what her thoughts were on the lawsuit filed by Defenders of Wildlife and the Natural Resources Defense Council against the US Army Corps of Engineers, the US Bureau of Reclamation, and the US Fish and Wildlife Service regarding the Weir Diversion Project, and how she felt about similar threats to farming and ranching.

"As a state, we should be standing up against federal overreach. Government needs to support the people they represent. If governors stood together, we could better protect the people and businesses that make our state successful," Robinson replied.

Other stops while in the area included Glendive, Broadus, and Miles City; this hasn't been Robinson's first trip to Eastern Montana, and won't be her last. She will head home to her and her husband's family owned and operated ranch to ship yearling cattle out.

Robinson's greatest campaign challenge has been traveling across the vast state of Montana, and spending time away from home, however it is a challenge she has been happy to overcome.

"In the end it's the people I've met that matter the most," she concluded.


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