FWP Seeking Comment on Draft EA for New Water Pipeline to Fort Peck Fish Hatchery

Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks is seeking public comment on an environmental assessment (EA) for the proposed action of changing the incoming water source to the Fort Peck Multispecies Fish Hatchery building and concrete raceways.

Presently, the hatchery receives its water from the Fort Peck Dredge Cuts, located below Fort Peck Reservoir. This system is comprised of a gravel filter bed and a series of pipes that allow water to be pumped to the main hatchery building. Due to deteriorating conditions, subsequent decreased water flow, and inconsistent water temperatures, an alternative water supply is needed.

The proposed action, with the assistance of the US Army Corp of Engineers, is to establish a new pipeline from the Fort Peck Dam Power House directly to the hatchery.

The public comment period on the draft EA will extend through 5 p.m. on Aug. 17, 2016. The Draft EA, and opportunity to comment, is available online at fwp.mt.gov. The EA is found under the NEWS tab, recent public notices, environmental assessments/development, and improvements and enhancements.

A public scoping meeting to describe the proposed pipeline and collect comments will be held on Thursday, Aug. 11, from 7-8 p.m. at the Fort Peck Hatchery conference room.

Email comments may be sent to: [email protected], including “Fort Peck EA comments” in the subject line. Written comments can be mailed to: Fort Peck Fish Hatchery EA, Jason Senn, P.E. Project Manager, Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks, P.O. Box 200701, Helena, MT 59620.

Contact: Mark Kloker, Information & Education Program Manager, FWP Region 6, (406) 228-3704 / Cell: (406) 480-9234.


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