Froid Research Farm Field Day Scheduled For June 23

On Thursday, June 23, the Froid Research Farm Field Day is at 1 p.m.

The Froid Research Farm is located 8 miles north of Culbertson on MT Hwy 16 and private application points are available for those in attendance.

Topics and demonstrations include a Field Soil Sampling demonstration given by Roosevelt County Extension Agent Jeff Chilson out of Culbertson, Marestail ID and Control presented by Richland County Extension agent Tim Fine out of Sidney, Common Vetch in Lentils presented by Daniels County Extension agent Bobbie Roos out of Scobey, and Weediness Potential of Cover Crops given by Rob Bray, District Conservationist with the NRCS out of the Culbertson Field Office.

The featured presentation will be the Froid Farm Subsurface Irrigation Demonstration Project which will be presented by civil engineer Ann Ross with the NRCS Area Office out of Miles City; Ross is the engineer that designed the Subsurface Irrigation Project.

On-Farm Tour stops include the Cross Slot Drill Demonstration given by former Roosevelt County Extension Agent and retired Extension Agronomist with the NSDU Dickinson Research Extension Center, Roger Ashley. Agronomist Brett Allen with the USDA-ARS out of Sidney will be discussing Warm Season Legumes with demonstration plots.

Reza Keshavarze Afshar, Post Doc with MSU-EARC out of Sidney will present the Camelina Seeding Rate and Depth Study with MSU.

A Cooperative Model for Preventing Resistant Weed Invasions will be given by Dr. Natalie West, entomologist/ecologist with the USDA-ARS in Sidney.

The Fallow replacement study will include Using Cover Crops to Fight Compaction given by Jay Jabro, Soil Physicist with the USDA-ARS out of Sidney, and Identifying Pest Insects in Oilseeds and Cover Crops/ Pollinator Studies in Canola and Reclamation Cover Crops presented by Tatyana Rand, Entomologist with the USDA-ARS out of Sidney. A 5 p.m. steak dinner will be provided by Roosevelt and Sheridan County Conservation districts.

This Field Day is sponsored by the Roosevelt and Sheridan Conservation Districts, Montana State University Extension and the USDA-ARS Northern Plains Agricultural Research Laboratory.


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