Dryland Field Day Planned At EARC Farm Site Near Sidney

The Sidney ARS and MSU Extension Dryland Field Day will be held Friday, June 24, from 9 a.m. until 12:30 p.m., with lunch provided courtesy of the Richland County Extension Office.

The day will begin at the EARC farm site located 4.4 miles north of Sidney off MT Hwy 16; the turnoff is across from Hi-Line Trucking and in the event of rain, the location will be at the Richland County Extension Conference Room, located at 1501 N. Central Ave.

EARC stops include a Weed Identification Exercise presented by Kim Mann with the USDA-ARS and Tim Fine with Richland County Extension, both out of Sidney; Marestail ID and Control presented by Fine; New EARC Plant Pathologist/Research Interests presented by Frankie Crutcher with MSU-EARC out of Sidney; and Orange Blossom Wheat Midge Trapping Update presented by Research Associate Sherry Turner with MSU-EARC out of Sidney.

The feature presentation will be given by professor and wheat breeder Phil Bruckner with MSU Bozeman, followed by Herbicide Residuals Affecting Pulse Crop Germination and Growth given by Prashant Jha with MSU-EARC out of Sidney and Macro- and Micro-Nutrients Study for Cereal and Pulse Crops presented by Yesuf Mohammed and Reza Keshavarze Afshar, Post Doc Associates with MSU-EARC in Sidney.

ARS Stops include feature presentation, Cross Slot Drill Demonstration, given by retired Extension Agronomist, NDSU Dickinson Research Extension Center, Roger Ashley. Agronomist with the USDA-ARS in Sidney, Brett Allen will then discuss Warm Season Legumes using demo plots. The National Oilseed Project includes a Yield Report given by Allen, and Water Use and Water Use Efficiency given by Jay Jabro, Soil Physicist with the USDA-ARS in Sidney. Allen will discuss the Diversified Cereals with Pulses and Oilseeds Study (spring wheat, pea, winter wheat or barley, oilseed) and to wrap up the day, entomologist and dcologist Dr. Natalie West with the USDA-ARS in Sidney will discuss A Cooperative Model for Preventing Resistant Weed Invasions.

Two private points are available for those in attendance. The Sidney ARS & MSU EARC Dryland Field Day is sponsored by the Richland County MSU Extension Office, the MSU Eastern Agricultural Research Center, and the USDA-ARS Northern Plains Agricultural Research Laboratory.


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