On May 25, the 2016 America’s Health Rankings Senior Report was released today. This report provides a comprehensive analysis of senior population health on a national and state-by-state basis across 35 measures of senior health.
This year the report took an in-depth look at today’s middle-aged population who will age into the 65+ age group over the next 14 years and examined how the challenges of that generation will impact the senior population. The analysis compared health measures for the middle-aged population (aged 50-64) in 1999 to the same measures for the middle-aged population as of 2014. Comparisions included:
• Has a 55 percent higher prevalence of diabetes;
• Has a 25 percent higher prevalence of obesity;
• Has a 9 percent lower prevalence of very good or excellent health status”
To read the full report, go to http://www.americashealthrankings.org
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