Public Comment Period To Open on LYIP Intake Fish Passage Project EIS

Lower Yellowstone Irrigation Project faces another hurdle with public comment on the Intake Diversion Dam Fish Project Environmental Impact Statement.

The draft EIS is now available through Reclamation’s Lower Yellowstone Project Website: The public comment period will open on Friday, June 3, 2016 when the Environmental Protection Agency publishes the Notice of Availability (NOA) in the Federal Register. The public comment period will run for 45 days, ending on July 18, 2016.

Two public meetings will be held: Tuesday, June 28, 5:30 p.m., Richland County Event Center, Sidney and Wednesday, June 29, 5:30 p.m., Dawson County High School Auditorium, Glendive.

Comments can be submitted three ways: handwritten or verbal at a public meeting; email: [email protected] or by mail to U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Omaha District, Attn: CENWO-PM-AA, 1616 Capitol Avenue, Omaha, Nebraska 68102.

The Corps and Reclamation are serving as joint lead federal agencies in the preparation of the EIS which analyzes six alternatives: no action, rock ramp, bypass channel, modified side channel, multiple pump, and multiple pumps with conservation measures. The Corps and Reclamation have identified the Bypass Channel Alternative as the Preferred Alternative.

All public comments will be reviewed by the Corps and Reclamation and will be included in the final EIS.


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