Mark Your Calendars for the MonDak Area Field Days in June and July

The MonDak area is home to a unique “research triangle” featuring three agricultural research facilities in Sidney, MT and Williston, ND that regularly share the results of their work with producers through annual summer field days. This year, the group’s field days are scheduled as follows:

The 2016 Froid Research Farm Field Day will be held Thursday, June 23rd, from 1:00pm until 5:00pm mountain time at the farm site located eight miles north of Culbertson, MT on MT Hwy 16. In addition to a tour of the farm, the day’s activities include several outside speakers (yet to be finalized) and a special soil sampling demonstration. The Field Day is sponsored by the USDA-ARS Northern Plains Agricultural Research Laboratory in Sidney, MT; the Roosevelt and Sheridan County Conservation Districts in Culbertson, MT and Plentywood, MT, and the Roosevelt, Sheridan, and Richland County Extension Services in Culbertson, Plentywood, and Sidney, MT. There will be a free steak supper following, sponsored by the Roosevelt and Sheridan County Conservation Districts.

Friday, June 24th, a Dryland Field Day will be held from 9:00am until noon, beginning at the Sidney ARS Rasmussen dryland research farm located four miles north of Sidney on MT Hwy 16. The Dryland Field Day includes a tour of both Sidney ARS research plots and adjacent dryland plots operated by Montana State University’s Eastern Agricultural Research Center (EARC). This is the second year the two research facilities have joined together for the field day which will include additional outside speakers along with the plot tours. A free luncheon will follow, sponsored by the Richland County Extension Office. For more information, contact the ARS at 406-433-9427.

On Thursday, June 30th, the MSU Eastern Agricultural Research Center will host its annual Field Day in Sidney, with the focus on irrigated crops. Registration and refreshments will be at the EARC research facility at 1501 N Central Ave in Sidney, beginning at 9:00am mountain time until 1:30pm. At 9:30 a welcome and introduction will be given, followed by the tour. Tentative topics include variety evaluation for sugar beets, pulse, and cereals, disease control in sugar beet and pulse crops, fertility studies, and crop rotations with speakers yet to be determined.

For more information, contact the EARC at 406-433-2208. There will be pesticide application points available for all three Field Days.

The Williston Research and Extension Center will be holding their Dry Land Field Day on July 14th located at the Extension Center, 14120 Hwy 2, Williston, ND tentatively scheduled for 9:00am until 4:00pm central time with no registration required. During the morning session, attendants can participate in the Agronomy Tour, focusing on field crops such as wheat, durum, barley, lentils, and peas or they can participate in the Horticulture Tour, which will focus on fruit and vegetable production. Both tours are open to everyone and a panel session will be held in the afternoon, with the topic yet to be determined. That evening, the MonDak Ag Showcase will take place from approximately 5:00pm to 7:00pm central time. The social, sponsored by the Williston Economic Council, will provide a great opportunity for Agricultural Business owners to discuss ag-related issues; the location is yet to be determined.

July 15th a tour of the Nesson Valley Site located 25 miles east of Williston on ND Hwy 1804, will focus on irrigated agronomic crops such as corn, wheat, legumes, and sugar beets. Horticulture Specialist Kyla Splichal will also be speaking about high-tunnel vegetable crops. High tunnels are light weight metal frames enclosed in plastic that can extend the growing season for vegetable crops. This tour will tentatively be held from 9:00am to 12:30pm with a free lunch provided after the tour. This field day and lunch are open to the public. For more information, contact the Williston Research and Extension Center at 701-774-4315.


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