Lambert Residents Report Large Number of Mosquitos

Although mosquitos aren't actually biting them to death, some Lambert residents might tell you that it feels that way this year.

Lambert resident Bryan Prevost told Richland County commissioners during a recent meeting about the very unpleasant situation.

Prevost said he wasn't aware of how bad it was until attending high school graduation activities. "It's horrible," the Lambert native said.

He added the conditions were also bad at a cemetery in the community. "It's horrible there, too," he noted. "I don't know what to do."

Last year, Prevost contacted commissioners about the problem shortly before the Fourth of July celebration. The county then provided cans of mosquito repellent to people attending the event. With cans left over, the county also offered them at the Fairview Old Timers Festival.

Commissioner Shane Gorder said he attempted to reach out to other counties to see what they do to fight mosquito problems. Some have formed mosquito districts. Broadwater County has its weed district and mosquito district combined.

Gorder believes that in order to form a mosquito district, 40 percent of registered voters or property owners must be in support.

Prevost said his understanding is that people used to go door to door and get donations for the effort that way. A plane was utilized to spray the area until complaints were made.

"I will try to do some research to find out our next step," Gorder said. He plans to contact the Montana Association of Counties.

Commissioner Duane Mitchell said he will see what some North Dakota communities do to control the problem.

At this point, commissioners haven't heard concerns from other communities.


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