Motivation In Your Healthy Lifestyle


Accomplishing a goal requires motivation. Without motivation it is easy to question your goals and lose focus of what you are working toward. It is difficult to make sacrifices and put one foot in front of the other if you aren’t motivated.

The key to finding motivation and continually tapping into it, is to identify your “why”. Why do you want to accomplish the goal? Figuring out why you are working toward a specific goal allows you to keep focused on that motivation. When you begin to feel discouraged or you lose sight of your original intentions, you can remind yourself why you began this journey.

Knowing your why helps you to dig deep and find motivation to keep going when it seems escape you. Keeping focused on your why inspires you to find motivation and keep on moving forward.

Do you know what motivates you? If not it will be a challenge to get to your goals. Seek help from a coach  or mentor to help identify your own “why” so you can stay motivated.


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