Welcome New Owners Of Burns Creek Inn In Savage

Starting April 11th, 2016, Michelle Smith and her husband Bryan became the official new owners of Burns Creek Inn (BCI) Bar & Grill in Savage, MT.

"It was up for sale for quite awhile, and I had always had my eye on it. One night my husband and I were hanging out with the previous owners and they joked about us purchasing the bar, and we thought, 'Well, why not?", said Michelle.

The bar is mostly family run, featuring Michelle, her husband, their daughter Brittany, and a few others.

Already the family has made some vast improvements, including all new wood paneling, brands on the walls, mirrors on the back of the bar and soon shelving. Future improvements include finishing the bar top, fixing the front step, and placing an awning in the front. "If you haven't been to BCI in a while, definitely come in and check it out! A lot has changed," said Michelle.

The new ownership of BCI have gotten plenty of compliments since opening April 11. "We have gotten so many compliments on our food, especially since we are open for lunch now. Our pizza has been a big favorite; all homemade pizza." Other items on BCI's new menu is filled with tasty burgers like their Cracker Jack burger, which is stuffed with cream cheese, jalapenos, grilled onions and topped with pepper jack cheese. They also have battered cod, chicken strips, a Reuben, soups and salads, specialty pizza and a fully stocked kids' menu and sides and appetizers. "We also try to buy many of our food items locally. We get our meat from Craig's Meat right here in Savage, and our pork from my brother, Jim Miller, who runs Makin' Bacon."

Michelle mostly enjoys cooking and bar tending and working with her family, as well as providing a destination place for locals. "My great-grandfather ran a bar and I just enjoy providing a place for the people of Savage. High school kids come here for lunch, and families for dinner, and we have a well-serviced bar for the community. I actually had one woman come up to me and say, 'Even though this is a bar, I feel so safe bringing my children here for something fun to do. It's fixed up so nice and the food is great.'"

Soon BCI would like to set up pool tournaments and get dart boards for dart leagues; and install a horseshoe pit. They will also be setting up Karaoke Saturday nights, and once a month activities such as Bingo Monday and Trivia Tuesday. Michelle would also like to bring in live entertainment, whether it be a DJ or someone local, once a month.

Check out the new and improved BCI Bar & Grill in Savage, MT; they serve lunch from 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. on Thurs., Fri., Mon., and Tuesday, and serve dinner Thursday - Tuesday 6 p.m. - 9 p.m. They also have a Facebook page at Burns Creek Inn Bar & Grill, a monthly email newsletter, and are the perfect destination for parties!


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