Rau Elementary Student of the Quarter

Rau Elementary School is proud to announce Jayda Christensen, daughter of Jeremy and Danielle Christensen as the Student of the Quarter. Jayda is a great example for the other students to follow at Rau. She performs all the tasks assigned to her to the best of her ability and is quick to lend a hand. Jayda uses her time wisely in the classroom. She is a hard worker who is always striving to do better. Jayda works to be a great friend to everyone and knows how to make people smile. She is kind, honest and respectful. Jayda follows the rules in the classroom, lunchroom and on the playground. Jayda is witty and shares terrific stories in the classroom; she is a joy to be around. In her spare time Jayda likes to read, participate in volleyball and hang out with her many friends.


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