Several Changes Are Coming To Campsites Operated By The U.S. Army Corps Of Engineers At Lake Sakakawea In North Dakota

Changes include how visitors will reserve and pay for campsites.

“To ensure compliance with recent changes in USACE regulations for recreation use fees, changes were made to the campsite reservation and fee collection process, resulting in an easier process for visitors and staff. We’ve had lots of requests to be able to make reservations for either Wolf Creek or East Totten Trail Campgrounds and now our visitors will have that opportunity,” said Nathan Busche, a Natural Resource Specialist at Lake Sakakawea.

The recreation season will run from May 15 to September 15.

Reservations for all sites must be made through Reserve America by going online to or by calling the toll free reservation line at 1-877-444-6777. Same day reservations will be available by calling the toll free number. Cash and checks will no longer be directly accepted at East Totten Trail or Wolf Creek Campgrounds. Honor vaults are being converted to registration stations.

“We are asking that campers make reservations before arriving at the campground. Even if visitors decide to go camping at the last minute, there is still the opportunity to book same day reservations at a campsite by calling or going online before you leave your house, while you are on the road, or when you arrive at the campground,” said Busche.

Visitors who call the toll free number to make a same day reservation will be given a reservation number; which is needed to complete the registration card that they will display at their campsite marker.

“If a visitor arrives at one of our campgrounds without an advanced reservation, there will be information posted on bulletin boards at our registration stations explaining what they must to do to make a same day reservation. This can be done by calling the toll free number with their cell phone, or they can visit the website if they have a smart phone,” said Busche.

The changes also mean that group camping, which was previously permitted at the Wolf Creek Campground, will no longer be available. This means multiple tents or multiple campers cannot occupy a single campsite. Individual adjacent campsites can still be reserved if available. Check out times are also switching from 4 p.m. to noon. “The exception to this rule is for a family who wishes to set up a camp site with a second smaller tent for family members under the age of 18,” said Busche.

Another notable change is the number of available campsites at the Wolf Creek Campground, which was reduced from 84 sites to 67 sites providing more common use areas for visitors and improving our utilization of campsites.

Fees will increase by $2 per night, per site for all sites.

“We are currently adding the campsites for Wolf Creek and East Totten Trail campgrounds to the online reservation system but we wanted our visitors to be aware of the upcoming changes,” said Busche. “We will send out another update once they are available through the website and we will update our website to reflect the changes pertaining to these two campgrounds.”

Also beginning 2016, visitors to USACE recreation projects will be able to purchase or obtain the following interagency recreation passes -- Interagency Senior Pass, Interagency Access Pass, Interagency Annual Pass, Interagency Military Pass, and Interagency Volunteer Pass. These passes allow their holders free access to USACE-managed boat launches and swimming beaches throughout the United States. The senior and access America the Beautiful passes also provide holders a 50 percent discount on campsites at USACE-managed campgrounds.

America the Beautiful passes are available online through the U.S. Geological Survey, or by calling phone 1-888-275-8747, option 3.

The Interagency Pass Program allows each of the federal agencies to retain and reinvest revenues collected from the sale of passes at the project level. USACE plans to reinvest its revenues at the projects where the fees are collected. 

USACE is the nation’s largest federal provider of outdoor recreation, managing more than 400 lake and river projects in 43 states and hosting more than 370 million visits per year. With 90 percent of these recreation areas within 50 miles of metropolitan areas they provide a diverse range of outdoor activities close to home and to people of all ages.


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