Sidney Speech & Drama Team Travelled to Laurel and Competed Against 28 Schools

The Drama Team finished in 1st place with the Speech team taking 4th place.

Drama Team Results:

Classic Theatre: Camden Berka & Sarah Turek 1st place, Jax Hodge and Luke Turek 8th place.

Humorous Solo: Scottylnn Angelsey 2nd place

Dramatic Solo: Kyle Topp 3rd place.

Competed: Laura Elmore, Michael Stevens, Kaitlyn Tibbits, Demi Aimbetova, Tianna Earle, Tyler Berka, Katrina Meldahl.

Speech Team Results:

Extemp: Danny Johnson 1st place, Zach Sommerfeld 6th place, Shanyn Reidle 8th place.

Impromptu: Clay Carpenter 3rd place.

Original Oratory: Danny Johnson 3rd place.

Policy Debate: Shelby Reidle & Landan Jones 7th place.

Competed: Kasey Gorder, Josh Delaney.


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