County Agent Update

With 2016 upon us, so are winter educational opportunities. Fri., Jan. 15 there will be a Cow-Calf Management School focusing on forage, grazing and feeding. This will be in Watford City from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. located at the McKenzie County Courthouse. The cost is $20, preregistration is appreciated, please call 444-3451 for more information.

The National Hard Spring Wheat Show will be February 2-4, at the Grand Williston Hotel. This event has speakers from Montana, North Dakota, Minnesota and Canada, so up-to-date information and ideas will be discussed. This last one may be over a month away, but North Dakota State University Extension Service will be hosting the Western Crop and Pest Management School in Minot. This event will take place March 1-2 at the Grand International Inn. This event will have programs on sunflowers, soybeans, Nitrogen applications, crop scouting and many more given by NDSU staff. For more information, please call the Williams County Extension office at 577-4595.

North Dakota State University (NDSU) has released its Projected 2016 Crop Budgets, there is one in particular for the north west region. The North West publication covers Divide, Williams, McKenzie, Mountrail and Burke. This publication can be used to help provide an estimate of revenues and costs for selected crops. It is important to remember that this is only a guide, it is highly encouraged that each individual develops their own budgets. The authors Andrew Swenson and Ron Haugen, both NDSU Farm Management Specialist, can’t stress that enough. The budget created with this publication can be used for long run decisions if the revenues and costs are realistic for several years. The crop prices, direct costs, and the land charge are best estimates for 2016, but crop yields are historic averages and machinery ownership costs are an average for the total length of ownership. For short-run planning decisions you can omit the indirect costs of the land and machinery required to produce the different crops are in place. This budget helps with the following crops; Spring Wheat, Durum, malting barley, corn grain, soybeans, oil sunflower, canola, flax, field peas, oats, lentils, yellow mustard, safflower, buckwheat, millet, small chickpea, winter wheat and rye. The publication discusses the following categories; market yield, market price, market income, direct costs(such as; seed, herbicides, fungicides, insecticides, fertilizer, crop insurance, fuel and lubrication, repairs, drying) Indirect (fixed costs) such as machinery depreciation, machinery investment, and land investment. This publication is available online at and the extension office has copies available as well.


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