Speech & Drama Results

The Speech & Drama team was in Billings this weekend competing against 27 schools. The drama team finished 3rd in class A Drama Sweeps.

The drama results:

Classic Duo: Sarah Turek & Camden Berka placed 1st

Humorous Solo: Scottlynn Angelsey placed 2nd

Dramatic Solo: Kyle Topp placed 5th & Laura Elmore placed 6th.

Competed: Micheal Stevens, Kaitlyn Tibbits, Luke Turek, Jaz Hodge, Dameli Aimbetova, Tianna Earle, Tyler Berka and Katrina Meldahl.

Speech Results:

Impromptu: Clay Carpenter placed 2nd, Kasey Gorder placed 8th.

Extemp: Zach Sommerfeld placed 3rd

MPA: Johren Carpenter placed 7th.

Competed: Shanyn Reidle, Josh Delaney, Tanya Denysenko, Shelby Reidle & Landan Jones.

The team travels to Circle next weekend.

Photos submitted by Christy Pierce


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