SHS Speech & Drama team headed to Wolf Point this last weekend. The team competed against 10 Schools.
Drama placed 1st in class A Sweeps and Speech placed 2nd in class A sweeps. The drama team results: Humorous Solo: Scottlynn Anglesey placed 1st, Dramatic Solo: Laura Elmore placed 3rd, Classic Duo: Camden Berka & Sarah Turek placed 1st, Michael Stevens & Kaitlyn Tibbits placed 3rd, Luke Turek & Jaz Hodge placed 4th, Humorous Duo: Tess Ler & Tessa Hill placed 2nd, Dameli Aimbetova & Tianna Earle placed 5th, Tyler Berka & Katrina Meldahl placed 6th. Speech Team Results: Impromptu: Clay Carpenter placed 1st, Kasey Gorder placed 3rd, Expemp: Danny Johnson placed 1st, Zach Sommerfeld placed 2nd, Josh Delaney Competed . The team competes at Billings Central this upcoming weekend
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