Risinger Goes To State Special Olympic Games In Missoula

Fifteen year old Fairview sophomore Dean Risinger is participating in his seventh year of the Special Olympics, receiving a gold medal for the 100 meter run, softball throw, and bowling. He is currently at the State Games in Missoula, MT and this is his third year being eligible for the Norbie Challenge, which is based on 100 plus ticket sales. Risinger’s mother Michelle Judd notes that without the support of friends, family, and area businesses he would not make the sales every year to have the chance to participate in the Norbie Challenge

The Law Enforcement Torch Run was May 4th and began at the North Dakota/ Montana border in Fairview and continued to Sidney, with the help of the Fairview and Sidney police departments who organize the event. Risinger completed four miles on his bike alongside 54 other participants. The Law Enforcement Torch Run is an event that takes place all over the state of Montana.

Judd was involved with the Special Olympics when she was attending high school in Sidney and talks about the benefits of being involved.

“I thinks it’s a great way to keep Dean active and it’s good for him to be involved in sports with other kids. As parents we can get together and discuss things you wouldn’t discuss with parents who don’t have kids with special needs.”

The State Games in Missoula has health stations where teeth and hearing can be checked as well, but for Risinger it is the dance, barbeque, and carnival that he’s looking forward to. Every participant is required to have seven hours of training per sport and coaches must attend all events with one coach for every four participants; Judd has completed the coach’s training online.

The money raised through sponsors of the Law Enforcement Torch Run funds regional and state games and $4 of every $5 in MTN Chevy ticket sales for the Norbie Challenge goes back into the community to help with traveling and food expenses for those who participate in the Special Olympics.

Judd moved back to the area in 2005 and commented, “Fairview has been awesome and has totally accepted and welcomed Dean. The community and school is always there to watch the Torch Run and show their support and I appreciate those that come out to run. Dean puts a smile on your face; he’s just an awesome kid.”


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