McKenzie County 4-H Events

The 2015 McKenzie County 4-H Project Expo and Communication Arts Events were held on May 6 at the McKenzie County Library in Watford City.

The 4-H Project Expo event provides youth with the opportunity to plan, prepare and display an article, educational or food related project. The 4-Hers also verbally express themselves to a judge. At the close of the contest, ribbon awards were presented to each of the participants.

Preteen (8 to 12 year olds) Project Expo participant Jordyn Pederson was awarded a Grand Champion ribbon with "Branding." Colter Roffler followed with Reserve honors with his "Building a Treasure Box" display. Also participating in the preteen Project Expo and earning a participation ribbon was Ethan Roffler with "Shadow in the Moonlight."

Cloverbud (5 to 7 year olds) Luke Pederson also participated in the Project Expo with his "Pulling a Calf"" display and received a participation ribbon.

Preteens are invited to participate in the State 4-H Project Expo event on July 20 at the North Dakota State Fair in Minot.

Angie Fladland of Watford City served as the judge for this contest.

The 4-H Communication Arts event is designed to help youth develop speaking abilities. Participants learn about the importance of organizing information and/or equipment to tell and/or show others what they are learning in 4-H. How they present themselves is the number one judging criteria.

In the preteen division of Demonstrations, Jordyn Pederson was awarded Grand Champion ribbon for her "Rabbit Care" demonstration. Also providing a demonstration were Cloverbuds Luke Pederson with "How to Bottle Feed a Calf" and Paiten Iverson with "Dump Salad." The 4-Hers were awarded participation ribbons.

Riley Faller entered the Preteen Divison of the Presentation Software category with "Goat Breeds." Brother Jackson Faller entered the teen division of this category with "Hitler." These participants were awarded Grand Champion ribbons.

Lastly, Riley entertained the audience with an Illustrated talk entitled, "How to Become a Vet" and received a Grand Champion ribbon.

Communication Arts participants are invited to participate in the MPU #1 4-H Communication Arts event on June 4 in Stanley. Kim Rolfson of Watford City served as the judge for this contest.

The 4-H Youth Development mission is to create supportive learning environments for youth and adults to reach their fullest potential as capable, competent and caring adults. To carry out this mission, 4-H provides hands-on experiences through projects, activities and events. Youth are involved through clubs, school enrichment programs, independent study, after-school programs and special interest groups. It is the largest and only research-based youth organization in our state.

The 4-H Youth Development Program is available to all youth and information is offered in every county in North Dakota. For more information, please contact the McKenzie County Extension Office at 701-444-3451.


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