Shale Energy Supply Chain Sustainability Workshops For MT & ND

The Pennsylvania SBDC is excited to partner with the Colorado, North Dakota, and Montana SBDCs to hold a series of events for business owners involved in the shale supply chain in May 2015.

Three half-day workshops will be offered to small businesses currently part of the supply chain or considering new opportunities in the shale industry.

North Dakota Shale Energy Supply Chain Sustainability Workshop, Wed, May 13, 2015 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Strom Center at Dickinson State University, 1679 6th Ave. West, Dickinson, ND 58601.

Montana Shale Energy Supply Chain Sustainability Workshop, May 14, 2015 8:30 am – 12 noon. Community Service Building, 1201 West Holly Street, Sidney, Montana 59270

Each workshop will discuss the following topics: Shale Energy Industry Overview, Current status and industry tends, Supply chain opportunities – downstream, midstream, upstream, Industry expectations - overview of culture, safety, compliance, training, Natural gas & shale oil utilization opportunities, Business Sustainability, Smart steps to sustainability, Improving efficiency & reducing risk, Best practices sharing & networking, Panel Discussion with National and Local Experts, Weathering the boom/bust industry cycle, Success stories, words of wisdom and cautionary tales, Additional resources to help your small business.

All workshops are available at no-cost to attend, to register please go to Pre-registration is required.


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