16th National Blue Sunday Of Prayer April 26

Blue Sunday Child Abuse Prevention Initiative is dedicated to helping communities reach out to the needs of abused children and to support those who rescue them. This initiative also believes that change can occur when the faith community accepts their role in the battle to raise awareness and bring relief for the victims of child abuse. Blue Sunday began 16 years ago when 20 churches took time during their worship service on the last Sunday of Child Abuse Prevention Month to pray for the victims of child abuse and those who rescue them. The effort has grown to include more than 2.7 million participants nationwide.

April 26th marks the 16th national Blue Sunday, and the Richland County Family Resource Center is encouraging the churches of Richland County to partake in this event. Children that are subjected to abuse and neglect may feel like they have no voice, and need you to be one for them. Participation is simple; all we ask is that you take a few minutes out of your Sunday service to pray for the following three things: The children that are in situations of abuse and neglect, affected by these situations, and those who have survived the situation. The advocates that work hard to rescue and serve abused and neglected children. Our community to become active participants in the fight against child abuse.

If your church is interested in participating, the event can be registered at http://www.bluesunday.org. At this website, you can also find resources such as bulletin inserts, coloring pages, and videos to help explain the meaning of Blue Sunday. You can also contact Melissa Kostelecky with the Richland County Family Resource center at 433-4097 or [email protected] for more information.


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