Colorectal Cancer Prevention & Screening

What is Colorectal cancer? The American Cancer Society describes Colorectal cancer as "a term used for cancer that starts in the colon or the rectum. These cancers can also be referred to separately as colon cancer or rectal cancer, depending on where they start. Colon cancer and rectal cancer have many features in common."

The colon (or large intestine) is approximately six feet long, with the rectum being the last eight to ten inches. Over a period of years, colorectal cancer can develop from benign growths, called polyps, which protrude from the surface into the colon or rectum.

The North Dakota Cancer Coalition estimates that "about 400 new cases of colorectal cancer are diagnosed each year. Colorectal cancer is very treatable when detected early. When detected late, it often is a very serious and fatal disease. If undetected, colorectal cancer cells may spread to the liver and other organs. Once symptoms develop, the five-year survival rate may be as low as 8 percent."

Beverly Greenwald, Ph.D., R.N. and Jane Edwards, Ph.D., R.N., published a flyer in 2012 on "Answers that can save your life."

•Who gets colorectal cancer?

Colorectal cancer affects men and women equally. Although colorectal cancer can occur at any age, the risk increases with age. Ninety-three percent of colorectal cancer cases are found in people over age 50. Most individuals (75 percent) who develop colorectal cancer have no family history and are considered at "average risk."

•Can colorectal cancer be prevented?

Healthful lifestyle behaviors assist with the prevention of colorectal cancer and 13 other types of cancer. The same formula for healthful living also helps reduce risk of heart disease and diabetes.

•Stop smoking

Smoking is strongly associated with colorectal, as well as lung cancer and other types of cancers. If you smoke, the best thing you can do for your health is to stop. Tobacco use is the single largest preventable cause of disease and premature death in the United States.

•Maintain a healthy eating pattern

Colorectal cancer is linked to dietary patterns. The chance of developing colorectal cancer increases when individuals move to the United States and adopt a "Western-style" diet and lifestyle.

•Maintain a healthy weight

Overweight and obesity are linked to a greater risk for colorectal cancer.

•Increase physical activity

Health experts recommend physical activity for 30 minutes five times per week. The best reduction in risk for colorectal cancer has been associated with moderate to vigorous physical activity for at least 45 minutes on five or more days of the week.

•Limit alcohol

Limit alcohol to no more than two drinks per day for men and one drink per day for women. Colorectal cancer risk increases greatly when alcohol intake exceeds two drinks per day.

•Regular screening can save lives:

Regular screening can often find colorectal cancer early, when it is most likely to be curable. In many people, screening can also prevent colorectal cancer altogether. This is because some polyps, or growths, can be found and removed before they have the chance to turn into cancer.


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