Potato Irrigation And Management Practices Focus Of ARS Brownbagger

The Sidney Agricultural Research Service (ARS) lab’s newest scientist is featured in this Friday’s BrownBagger presentation where he will share his many years of experience working with potato in irrigated cropping systems. ARS Soil Scientist Ashok Alva’s talk, entitled “Nutrient and Irrigation Best Management Practices for Potato,” is set for Friday, March 27, at noon at the USDA-ARS Northern Plains Agricultural Research Laboratory in Sidney. The event is open to the public.

Potato is an emerging alternative crop in this region and Dr. Alva brings a lot of experience to the table. His presentation will touch on a wide variety of topics related to potato reflecting his more than 15 years of research with ARS in Prosser Washington, and earlier at the Universities of Florida and Georgia. He has also served overseas with universities and agencies in Australia, Denmark and India. He joined the Sidney ARS lab in November of last year.

In his talk, Dr. Alva will discuss a number of nutrient practices affecting potato production, including:

Preplant and inseason nitrogen management for optimal production and nitrogen use efficiency

Controlled release fertilizers to enhance nitrogen use efficiency

Beneficial roles of cover crops and reduced tillage

In addition, he will discuss his previous research on irrigation management practices and technologies, including:

Sensors for real time automated soil water measurement in the soil profile as an aid to improve irrigation efficiency

Canopy reflectance for an early detection of N and water stress

Field validation of potato model in the Pacific Northwest

Bring your lunch and join us Friday for this informative talk. We’ll provide the treats!

NPARL’s 2015 BrownBagger series is held in the lab’s Tech Transfer Room on Fridays, from noon to 1 p.m. The lab is located at 1500 N. Central Avenue in Sidney, MT.

Our last speaker in the 2015 BrownBagger series is April 3 – Lance Vermiere, ARS Range Ecologist, Miles City, MT, TBA.

For more information, contact Beth Redlin at 406-433-9427.


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