Roosevelt Medical Center Offers Assistance With Affordable Care Act January 28

Navigating the waters of healthcare reform in search of quality health insurance coverage can be confusing. With the Feb. 15 Montana Health Insurance Exchange open enrollment deadline fast approaching, many insurance-seekers are scrambling to determine what their next step should be in ensuring adequate healthcare coverage for themselves and their families.

Roosevelt Medical Center is offering a free webinar on Jan. 28 from 1:00 – 2:30 p.m. (MST) in the Tele-med Room at RMC, to assist residents with their health insurance questions. They will also have a staff member, referred to as a Navigator, available to answer individual questions about the different policies offered through the Affordable Care Act.

“The role of a Navigator is not to tell people what plan to pick, but instead to walk them through what might work best for them based on their family circumstances and health,” said Brenda Harvey, Social Services Director and Navigator for RMC.

While the webinar is geared toward farming and ranching operations and their families, anyone looking to better understand their health insurance options will benefit from the hour-and-a-half long webinar presented by Dr. Roberta Riportella of Kansas State University. There will also be experts, via tele-conferencing, available to advise on questions pertaining to the Internal Revenue Service and the Small Business Administration.

The event is being sponsored through the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and RMC.

The original goal of the Act, signed into law by President Barack Obama in 2010, was to give more Americans access to affordable health insurance and to reduce the growth in healthcare spending in the U.S.

As of early January, some 6.8 million Americans were enrolled in the Affordable Care Act.

For more information, contact Brenda Harvey at 787-6432.


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